Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month | Phoenix CyberKnife Radiation & Oncology Center
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Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month

The list of national holidays is nearly endless. Even outside the traditional holidays like the Fourth of July or Labor Day, there are endless “joke” holidays like Talk Like a Pirate Day, Zipper Day, and even Limerick Day. But there’s a holiday coming up soon that you may not have heard of, and it’s a very important one. April is national Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month, and this is a critical holiday supporting a truly important cause.

Raising Awareness for Head & Neck Cancer

Accounting for roughly 3% of cancer cases in the US, head and neck cancer affects some 60,000 new people every year. On average, head and neck cancer causing over 13,000 deaths every year in the US. Head & neck cancer is a common condition, and as with all cancers, it’s easiest to treat if treatment starts early – and raising awareness is the best way to increase early diagnosis and detection.

Types of Head & Neck Cancer

Unlike many other categories, head & neck cancer is a broader category that refers to a variety of cancers that start at various places in the throat, head, and neck. In truth, each cancer in the category is unique and comes with its own set of challenges – so while head & neck cancer is used as a category, you’ll need to talk with a doctor to fully understand any one case. In general, head & neck cancer may refer to any of the following cancers:

  • Lip & Oral Cavity (Mouth) Cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  • Oropharyngeal Cancer
  • Hypopharyngeal Cancer
  • Laryngeal Cancer
  • Salivary Gland Cancer
  • Paranasal Sinus & Nasal Cavity Cancer

Contact Your Phoenix, AZ Cancer Treatment Center

As with all forms of cancer, the best chances of survival for patients lie in early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. This April, we hope you take National Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month as an opportunity to consider the possibility of cancer in your own life or the lives of your loved ones, learn more about how to detect and prevent cancer, and spread awareness on the topic of head & neck cancer. If you have more questions about head & neck cancer or want to discuss treatment options for you or a loved one, we’re standing by to help – just call us at (602) 441-3845 or reach out to us at our contact page. We can’t wait to hear from you, and we wish you a happy, healthy Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month.

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Phoenix Cyberknife Radiation Oncology is dedicated to the health and safety of our employees, patients, and their families. With the recent spread of COVID-19 and the height of cold and flu season, it is important to be mindful of not only yourself but others around you as well. These viruses are spread from person to person through coughing, sneezing, contact with contaminated surfaces and close personal contact. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: runny nose, dry cough, low-grade fevers or shortness of breath; please contact our office prior to your appointment for further instruction

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